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BOSS KATANA 50 MK 2 Unboxing

This is my unboxing video of the BOSS KATANA 50 MK 2 guitar amplifier that I bought from I ordered it on Sep. 25, 2021 and it arrived on Sep. 29, 2021. So in just 4 days I received it. That’s one of the fastest delivery in my experience buying online from Shopee!

During the filming of this unboxing video, I forgot to take the power cord and the user’s manual out of the box. That’s because I was so excited. I’ve been looking forward to play guitar with an actual guitar amplifier again after 4 years of recording guitar using amp sims. Amp sims are good but my two audio interfaces aren’t serving me well anymore as sometimes I get too much latency or sometimes would cause stutter during playback.

I’m not sure if it was the DAW or the audio interfaces. But when I switched from tested them by switching between Pro Tools then Reaper then Cakewalk by Bandlab the issue didn’t go away. And it seemed to have like in one month intervals. Updating Windows, DAWs, amp sims, virtual instruments, and the rest of my plugins doesn’t help at all.

The BOSS KATANA 50 MK 2 is currently sold out from where I bought on Shopee. But here’s the link in case you want to watch it go back in stock or if you want to ask the seller, Yupanco Music Store, if they will have more stocks soon:

See what MIDI footswitch I bought to control this amp wirelessly.

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