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Soulful Blues Backing Track in A Major

Unlock the true essence of blues improvisation with this soulful backing track in A Major at 68 bpm! In addition to the captivating chord progression (A | A | A | A | D | D | A | A | E | D | A, C#, D, D# | E – C#, D, D#, E), we’ve got the recommended scales for each chord change to help you craft incredible solos and explore the blues in its rawest form.

Here’s a breakdown of the suggested scales for each segment of this 12-bar blues progression:

  • Bars 1-4 (A Major chord): A Minor Pentatonic scale
  • Bars 5-6 (D Major chord): D Mixolydian scale
  • Bars 7-8 (A Major chord): A Blues scale
  • Bar 9 (E Major chord): E Natural Minor scale
  • Bar 10 (D Major chord): D Mixolydian scale
  • Bar 11 (A Major chord): A Blues scale
  • Bar 12 (E Major chord – Turnaround): A Blues scale

By incorporating these scales into your improvisation, you’ll be able to navigate through the rich nuances of each chord and infuse your playing with authentic blues flavors.

Let the power of the blues guide your fingers as you explore these recommended scales over the mesmerizing chord progression. Elevate your blues guitar playing to new heights, expressing every ounce of emotion through your instrument!

Key: A Major
Tempo: 68 bpm

| A | A | A | A |
| D | D | A | A |
| E | D | A, C#, D, D# | E – C#, D, D#, E |

Plug in your guitar, hit play, and let the soulful sounds of this blues backing track ignite your creativity! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more incredible backing tracks and guitar inspiration. Happy jamming!

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